~Rossi stops what he's doing.~
Hotch: You know she's too young.
Rossi: So was Reid.Hotch: Reid was of age when he joined us. We could be put in jail for child labor.
Rossi: There must be someway--
Hotch: No. Trust me, I've tried. I've never seen you like this, Rossi, and it scares me.~Rossi sighs and puts his head into his hands.~
Rossi: It's just... I knew her parents in high school. I feel...
Hotch: Responsible?
Rossi: Yeah.
~Moment of silence.~
Hotch: What if she wasn't reallya part of the team?
Rossi: What?
Hotch: What if we paid her for her services, but she wasn't a part of the team?
Rossi: Ah!... Would that work?
Hotch: Honestly, I have no idea. But, it's worth the try.
Rossi: I'll call her and tell her the news.
~He starts to leave.~
Rossi: Aaron ,you're a good guy.
~Rossi leaves.~ FADE OUT
(More or less...)
~Next day, Sweeney is there early, talking to Rossi. The BAU, minus Hotch comes in.~
Prentiss: I didn't know you had a daughter...?
Rossi: I don't. This is Dr. Sweeney Sparrow.
Reid: You look to young to have gone to medical school.
Sparrow: So do you, Dr. Reid.
Rossi: She had two PhD's.
Sparrow: But, I did go to medical school for a year.
Morgan: Oh great, another super genius. How old are you?
Sparrow: That's classified information.
~They look at her funny.~
Hotch: ~walking in~ Why haven't we started yet? You must be Dr. Sparrow.
~They shake hands and sit down.~
Garcia: Well, you all get to stay home for this case. Right here in D.C., the unsub is going to this club called-
Reid: The Viper Room.
~They look at him strangly.~
Reid: I-I read ahead.
Garcia: Uh-huh... Anyways, the unsub is raping and killing the vicims.
Morgan: Prostitutes?
Garcia: Bingo bango bongo, baby
Reid: What about DNA? If he--
Seaver: Or she.
Reid: ...Or she...raped the victims, wouldn't there be DNA?Garcia: Actually there was too much DNA.
Seaver: But, we've narowed it down, right?
Sparrow: Actually, the mixture of semen and the such would be near impossible to figure out who's is who's.
Prentiss: What about people who came to the club last night?
Garcia: Working on that.
Morgan: But, you can also call for a girl to come to you.
Garcia: Only you would know that.
Hotch: So we check their phones.
Rossi: Then it's settled. Hotch, let's go to the dumpsite. The rest of you, split into two groups.
Hotch: One group, go see the bodies. The other, go talk to the club owner and see what you can get out of him.
~Hotch and Rossi leave.~
Morgan: So, Dr. Sparrow. I swear I've heard your name before.
Sparrow: ~sighs~ Think London musicals, JohnnyDepp...
Reid: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.
Seaver: That's really ironic. Being named after a fictional murderer and working for the people who put those kinds of people in jail.
Sparrow: What can I say? My parents loved the musical and were expecting a boy.
Morgan: Anyways, Hotch isn't going to be happy if he finds out we're standing here, gossiping.
Reid: Technically, we're sitting down.
Morgan: Right... Prentiss, Dr. Sparrow, and I'll go to the bodies. Reid and Seaver, go talk to the Viper Room owner.
Garcia: And I'll do the usual, manning that computer.
~Morgan leaves with Prentiss, Reid, and Seaver. Sparrow pauses, nods at Garcia, and leaves.~ FADE OUT.
Ronard: Can I help you? This club is closed.
Reid: As we can see.
Seaver: Hi. We're with the FBI. We'd like to talk to you about the murders recently.
Ronard: I knew this would happen. Come on.
~Leads into his office.~ FADE OUT.
~Rossi and Hotch are in the warehouse where the bodies were found.~
Hotch: Rossi. Rossi!
Rossi: Wha-?
Hotch: Why do you think it's a warehouse?
Rossi: Um, perhaps he's ashamed and he doesn't want to be caught...?
Hotch: ~looking at him funny~ I f you're really that worryed about her, why didn't you have her come with us?
Rossi: So, she could be a part of the team.
Hotch: Good choice. You were right to do that.
Rossi: I know but... I can't help but to worry.
Hotch: Prentiss wasn't that far off when she asked if she was your daughter.
Rossi: You heard that?
~Hotch nods.~
Rossi: ~sighing~ What kind of warehuse did this used to be?
Hotch: For a cement factory, I believe.
Rossi: Let's find out about previous workers or owners who could have a key.
~Hotch nods.~ FADE OUT
~Morgan, Prentiss, and Sparrow are in the car. Sparrow has head phones in, looking at the files.~
Prentiss: You don't trust her.
~Morgan looks at her.~
Morgan: I let her join, didn't I?
Prentiss: Morgan, don't insult me. I've been profiling for too long and I've known you too well. You're keeping her close that way you can keep an eye on her.
Morgan: Maybe I don't. What's wrong with that?
Prentiss: Nothing. I just wanted to know I was right.
Morgan: Is it really that noticable?
Prentiss: ~she nods~ You only glare at her everytime you see her.
Morgan: ~sighs~ I don't know why but I don't trust her.
Prentiss: You'll get used to it. We all will.
~Seaver and Reid are in the hot office, waiting. Ronard walks in.~
Ronard: Listen, I've talked to my girls. No one saw anything or anyone unusual. Just the usual gents.
Reid: We'd still like to talk to them. Also, do you have any security tapes that we could see?
Ronard: There are a few camera... I'll have Jaden, my body guard, get those to you. Anything else?
Seaver: Yeah, could we have ability to come here if we needed to without charge?
Ronard: ~bowing~ Consider it done.
~Seaver is smiling at him, while Reid begins to fell uncomfortable.~
Reid: Shouldn't we be going?
Seaver: Oh, yes. Thank you again, Mr....
Ronard: Ronard, just Ronard. But you can call me--
Reid: Let's go.
Reid: What was that about?
Seaver: I found that guys like Ronard like to flirt. The more flirtacious you are, the more you'e likly to get for free.
Reid: I'll remember that... ~pauses~ Wait, flirtacious isn't a word. You made that up.
Seaver: ~smiling~ So is the word Klingon. ~walking away.~
Reid: Klingon is a fictional tribe! Flirtacious isn't a word!
~Sparrow is looking at the body while Morgan, Prentiss and Chris talk.~
Morgan: So this is...?
Chris: Mary Chaure (Char).
Prentiss: And you are...?
Chris: Christian Riodran
Sparrow: This is intresting. Why weren't we we told about this?
Chris: About what?
Sparrow: If you look closely, you can see a puncture. As if from a needle.
Prentiss: Is this on the other girl as well?
Chris: I-I didn't know. I don't know.
~Gets out other body.Sparrow looks closely at the neck.~
Sparrow: Yes! It's here.
Morgan: It's hard to see.
Sparrow: It's because of the rope burn.
Morgan: I knew that.
~Sparrow bites her lip and backs off. Prentiss glances at her and Morgan.~
Chris: ~whispering~ Is he alright?
~She nods.~
Chris: ~louder~ Dr. Sparrow, could I talk to you for a moment?
Sparrow: Of course.
~They leave.~
Prentiss: Morgan, is everything alright? You're snapping at everyone.
Morgan: I'm fine.
Prentiss: Are you sure?
Morgan: Yes! Tell Dr. Sparrow that we're leaving soon.
~Prentiss sighs and exits. Sparrow and Chris are at his desk, marking where the puncture was and the such.~
Sparrow: --Which could've been a seducive.
Chris: That would help the unsub take the girl's and tye them up.
Sparrow: Then, once they woke up, he/she would hang them!
Chris: Of course!
Prentiss: We're leaving soon.
Sparrow: Okay, thank you, Agent Prentiss. Bye, Chris.
Chris: Bye!
~Prentiss and Sparrow are outside.~
Prentiss: You two made friends quick.
Sparrow: Only friends, Ag--
Prentiss: Why do you call me Agent?
Sparrow: Why does Agent Morgan hate me?
Prentiss: Don't answer a question with a question.
Sparrow: Well, I didn't know, because I'm new, if I should callyou agent beforehand or just your name. I went with what seemed safer.
Prentiss: Just Prentiss will be fine.
Sparrow: Since I've answered your question, now for mine. Why does Agent Morgan hate me?
~Morgan shows up without either of the girls noticing.~
Prentiss: I-I don't think he hates you.
~Sparrow looks at her, knowingly.~
Prentiss: You see, he's very protective of his team and any new person can be seen a threat.
Morgan: ~sarcasticly~ Great way to put it.
~Sparrow looks down suddenly.~
Sparrow: Hello, Agent Morgan.
Morgan: I called Hotch. He wants us to meet with the rest of the team at the warehouse. Well, back on the road again.
~Hotch, who is putting his phone away, looks at the building.~
That's all for now but, wait for the next part of my episode!!!!
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